The scroll in the upper right corner of the MyLand screen is for MyLand challenges. Some of these challenges are just to show you that you can zoom in/out, scroll, etc. Many challenges offer gold or an animal for building a particular plant or fixture. So if you want your land to have a warrior poet, for instance, you might spin for the "build a warrior poet" challenge, which gives you a 1000 gold as a prize. So you end up getting a 25% discount, or more if you do it during a sale. (By the way, I don't usually pay attention to the names of the challenges, but the name Chiseled Abs for the warrior poet is great.)
The challenges that give you gold for collecting your gold are no brainers. The percent return can vary from 20% to 34.3%. The best percentages are for 35,000 and 50,000. However, it can be very time consuming to contantly spin for these once you have many lands full of plants and buildings. So I usually go for 250,000 or 500,000 which give you a 30% bonus. If I am in the middle of a treasure chest like "earn 4x gold" then I might do the 1,000,000, and live with the 27.5% bonus. The 2.5M challenge yields the worst return.
But the best challenges are the ones for "Have xx complete plants" and "Attract xx Animals". They are one-time challenges. You don't have to count the plants and animals. Just spin for the challenge, and then click on the scroll and you will see your progress. If you have a ways to go, then abandon the challenge and spin for it later. Here are the challenge values:
8 plants: 300
16 plants: yellow ostrich
30 plants: 30,000
50 plants: green dragon
75 plants: 150,000
100 plants: 500,000
10 animals: 25,000
15 animals: ostrich
25 animals: 100,000
35 animals: 150,000
50 animals: 250,000
120 animals challenge gets a white dragon